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Sexual Assault Awareness Month

What Were They Wearing?

April 1-12

Hosted by Southern Utah's DOVE center. The display with be presented at the Utah Tech University Campus. 


Walk with Autism

April 6th

Rocky Vista Univeristy is holding its second annual walk with autism event.


National Crime Victims Week

April 21-27

Our organization is dedicated to spreading awareness about National Crime Victims Rights Week. More info on our specific events will be coming out soon!

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National Teal Day

April 26th

The DOVE Center is spreading awareness by hosting Teal the Town in Southern Utah. One of the events is Teal Day where we are encouraged to wear teal to represent SAAM.

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Start By Believing

April 3rd

This event is being put together nationally by the End Violence Against Women International non-profit organization.

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Heels to Heal Event

April 20th

KAVA Talks is holding its fifth annual Heels to Heal walk and booths on the UTU campus

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National Denmin Day

April 24th

Denim Day is celebrated worldwide as a recognition that what a person is wearing does not justify sexual assault. It began in 1998 after a judge told a woman that her tight jeans meant she helped her attacker take them off. 

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Washington City Cotton Fest

April 27th

Washington City is hosting Cotton Days and our organization will have a booth at their Cotton Fest from 10 am- 2 pm. 


Additional Events

Canyon Creek Services at 
Southern Utah University

- The Clothesline Project 

- April 15-19th located in the SUU student center living room

- Sugar Cookies for SAAM

- April 16th located in the SUU student center mall.

- Chalk About Consent

- April 17th located on the SUU library quad

- SUU Denim Day

- April 18th

- Take Back the Night Walk

- April 18th walking around the SUU campus


DOVE Center with 
Utah Tech University

- UTU Softball Game

- April 13th

-12 pm


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