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Sexual Assault 

Holding Hands

Rape Myths

Most people believe that rapes are committed by a stranger. However, 8 out of 10 rapes are committed by someone the victim knows, with the most common being a current or former partner.

College Friends

By the Numbers

The majority of sexual assault victims are under 30 years old. 54% of survivors who experience sexual assault are between 18-34%.

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Minority Populations

Most groups of the LGBTQIA+ community are more vulnerable to assault. Transgender students are at a higher risk for sexual violence. Unlike 18% of non-TGQN (transgender, genderqueer, nonconforming) females, and 4% of non-TGQN males, 21% of TGQN  college students have been sexually assaulted.

Though the highest age risk range for sexual assault is 12-34 years old, it can happen at any age. Our team has seen survivors as mature as 92 years old.

College students are 3x more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence.

Populations with higher incidences of sexual violence than the general public: include LGBQTIA+, Native American, minority groups, individuals with a physical or cognitive disability, and military personnel. 

 Another common myth is that survivors lie about being raped. In reality the false reporting rate is 2-4% and is the lowest false reporting rate of any major crime.

Survivors of sexual violence can experience major health consequences. 94% of women who are raped experience PTSD, and 70% of rape survivors who do not seek trauma care experience long-term health conditions, such as abdominal pain, migraine headaches, mental health disorders, chronic neck/back pain, and autoimmune disorders.

It is NEVER the victims/survivors fault! We start by believing.

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